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Message From President of OJSAT

On behalf of the Old Japan’s Students’ Association, Kingdom of Thailand, it was my greatest honor to extend my warmest congratulations to Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore on hosting the 26th ASCOJA Conference in Singapore which will be held on 19 February 2022, titled “Out of the Tunnel and into the Light – The New Norm after Covid-19 for ASEAN and Japan”.

Currently, the world has been badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic which had never happened before. It had high effects on the development of economics, society and citizen’s wellbeing worldwide. Moreover, this pandemic obviously shows that no country can successfully cope with this global crisis by themselves. Therefore, the members of ASCOJA should work together more closely, especially on knowledge exchange, to rehabilitate our whole region until it is fully recovered in terms of education, tourism and investment without leaving anyone behind in the new normal environment.

Finally, I would like to express my admirations to the Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore for the great determination to host the hybrid conference so that all members of ASCOJA can have a discussion under these difficult circumstances. Because of the good cooperation from our members, I strongly believe that the 26th ASCOJA Conference will be successful.

Mr. Apitch Rukpatioon,

President of OJSAT


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