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Message From President of VAJA

Dear our friends at ASCOJA, JUGAS and ASCOJA`s Partners,

On behalf of Vietnam Association of Japan Alumni (VAJA), I would like to extend my sincerest and warmest congratulations to all of you on the occasion of ASCOJA's 26th Conference. I would also like to send my best wishes for health, happiness and success to all of you on the occasion of the New Year 2022 and the Lunar New Year of the Tiger.

The 26th Conference of ASCOJA is organized in the situation of the Covid 19 pandemic that has not ended yet. During the past 2 years, the whole world has struggled to cope with the pandemic, and the activities of ASCOJA, ASJA and ASCOJA`s member chapters have been severely affected. Many events of ASCOJA, ASJA and ASCOJA`s member chapters have been canceled or held online. In that situation, we appreciate JUGAS's efforts in preparing the 26th ASCOJA Congress and would like to thank JUGAS`s friends for that effort. We would also like to thank the relevant organizations of Japan and Southeast Asian countries for always caring and supporting ASCOJA's activities so that we can carry out or participate in activities during this difficult time.

In our world, connectivity plays an important role. The connection of alumni from Southeast Asian countries who have studied in Japan through ASCOJA is a valuable and meaningful asset, so we always think that the establishment of ASCOJA in 1977 is wonderful and always grateful to the veteran members of ASCOJA - including JUGAS - who have worked hard to build our ASCOJA. Compared to JUGAS and some other chapters of ASCOJA, VAJA is still quite young (only 20 years old), but we are always proud to be one of the member chapters of ASCOJA and vow to continue building ASCOJA stronger and stronger together with other member associations.

According to the lunar calendar, the year 2022 is The Year of the Tiger. I wish that we all have tiger`s strong health to safely overcome the pandemic. I also wish that our ASCOJA grows as strong as the tiger's strength, and the ASCOJA 26 will be a great success.

President- Assoc. Prof. NGO MINH THUY


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